Senin, 28 Desember 2015

Why Won't My Cat Use The Litter Tray? 5 Tips For Cat Owners

Given that cats are very clean by nature, if your cat suddenly won't use their litter tray then there are generally one of two fac...

Cat Psychology - Is My Cat Frightened?

Fear in cats and anger have a few elements in common and both come from the same set of instincts - the ones that tell them to fight, ...

Kamis, 24 Desember 2015

Why Do Cats Get Stuck In Trees? 5 Cat Questions And Answers

may find it difficult to understand why an animal as agile as a cat might get itself stuck up a tree. We have compiled a list of five com...

Rabu, 23 Desember 2015

Cat Behavior - What Certain Cat Behaviors Mean

The biggest part of owning a cat is understanding how their minds work and what their body language means. While this might sound s...

Cat Behaviour - Is My Cat Angry?

Living with a cat can be great fun, very active and filled with affection. But it is important to remember that cats operate on instin...

Cat Life - Are Cats Social Animals?

Cats are often seen as the opposite to dogs in many respects - dogs are pack animals that need interaction with others of their kind o...

Selasa, 22 Desember 2015

5 Cat Myths That Can Be Easily Debunked

There are many misconceptions attributed to our feline friends that are simply not true. Many of these myths have been fuelled by peop...

Cute, Funny and Unique Cat Names

Have you recently brought home a brand new kitty? Congrats! Then, to kick off the excitement, the time has come to pick out the best n...

The Basics of Cat Care

Whether you're considering buying or adopting a cat for the first time, already own a cat but just want to make sure you're ...

Christmas Presents for Cats: Santa Paws Is Feline-Ing Generous!

This festive season, how can you please a fickle feline? Cats are notoriously hard to please: They turn up their whiskers at toys ...