Selasa, 22 Desember 2015

Christmas Presents for Cats: Santa Paws Is Feline-Ing Generous!

This festive season, how can you please a fickle feline?
Cats are notoriously hard to please: They turn up their whiskers at toys and regard the comfy cat-bed with distain. You buy an expense present only to have them show more interest in the box than the contents. So this Christmas, do things differently and apply a little cat psychology to the dilemma of what to buy as the purr-fect present.
#1: The Tall Cat-tower
If you want to really get kitty pruuping with pleasure, the give her a high perch to use as her sentry post. Yes, a tall cat tower is an investment, but it's one your cat will purr-sitively adore. Cats love to get up high to watch the world go by. Site the tower next to a window and she can sit on the platform and survey the scene for hours. Plus, she'll want to mark her new favorite territory by scratching it, which could save from the best furniture a shredding.
#2: A Cat Dining Table
Indoor cats craze the roughage that chewing on grass provides. Giving your cat access to fresh, growing grass gives them the opportunity to satisfy this nature urge to chew, and a cat dining table does to in style. There are so many things to love about a cat dining table, from the angled bowls (less strain on the neck for elderly cats) to the side order of growing grass -plus they look nice for the humans.
#3: Wing-on-a-String
If it simply isn't Christmas without a toy, then chose one that triggers your cat's natural instincts to hunt. You can't do better than a Da Bird and those fluttering feathers to get your cat's heart pounding and the chase is on. It is a rare cat who can ignore the allure of a Da Bird in flight, which could be your key to getting a cuddly kitty burning the calories and back in shape.
#4: Zoom Groom
Every cat wants to look their best, and for velvet soft fur - especially in short-haired cats, your feline friend will go limp with delight when brushed with a Zoom Groom. This clever rubber brushes mimic the feeling of being licked by another cat, whilst shifting shed fur out of the coat like a magnetic to iron. This Christmas gift is one the cat will enjoy again, and again, and again, and look super sleek for it.
#5: A Cardboard Box
There's no denying that simple is sometimes best. Don't be bashful about giving your cat that old standby- the cardboard box. After all, if it's good enough for Maru...
Furr-bulous festivities pet people!
A very happy Christmas for the team at Holly & Hugo.
Happy holidays everyone, to all our fur-friends large and small!
Holly and Hugo is an e-learning company which features courses for animal lovers and those planning to work with animals in the future. Our courses have been created just for you, and since all study is completed online you can learn anywhere and at your own pace.

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